01 May, 2007

Good times, hard times


After a quite unspectacular time on my blog it's time for an update. The time is passing by in rapid speed and I am mainly busy working for university. Since I did not find so many courses that fit into my study plan at home I was planning the second half of the term as a bit calmer "end-study period" that should allow me more time for other things. However I had in mind that I could use some time for learning KORE (an economic exam I should have done in my second term), depending on how much work I have for my other courses. I hoped that the department will be a bit flexible concerning my exam since I study abroad and have a different schedules to fulfill here. However it ended up that my thoughts were wrong. Since I already started learning I was left with two options: Either push hard forward and take the exam on the only occasion that fitted into my schedule or take it in September. Different reasons led my to choose the first option as a kind of a payback that I have 3 months of holiday this summer(after having 5 days last summer). The important part for you:

I will be home in Graz between the 10th of May until the 14th of May. I take the exam on my first day and have 3 days off afterwards to see my family and my friends.

Nevertheless is it a pretty good time right now, spring has finally arrived in Lund which gave us an amazing number of nice sunny days and at least a few hours spare time for sun-bathing. Within the last three weeks everything turned into a nice and fresh spring-green, all the trees and flowers flourish around our building and temperatures start rising.

I even had my first sunburns from lying around on one of our sand-beaches that are close to Lund (YES we have sand-beaches!). Enjoy 20°C and 12h of sunshine a day in southern Sweden:

With rising temperatures the only shop that produces fresh ice cream has long queues and the parks fill up with young people that catch up every ray of the sun. After the never ending autumn and the cloudy and cold winter this seems to be the payback for all the cloudy gray days.