09 May, 2007

T-1 day

While I am struggling to get the last things for my exam tomorrow into my head I am also looking very much forward to the days I have at home after my exam. First of all seeing all my friends and my family but also enjoying the atmosphere and hopefully some warm and nice days. The weather forecast at leasts states around 22°C and not too much rain. My schedule tomorrow will be pretty tight (but nice after 19h):
6.00 or earlier getting up, turbo-breakfast, biking to the station
7.30 arrival at Copenhagen airport
9.05 - 10.40 flight to Vienna
11.00 getting my luggage, buying train ticket and "Vorteilscard"
~16h hopefully arrival in Graz, driving further to WG to put my stuff there
18.00 either owning exam or getting owned by exam.
19.15 beer with my study-colleague Kandi
20.30 more beer
22.30 even more beer
0?.?? falling death into my bed
11.00 going to the dentist- death or alive

T-1 day google-image search-image :) WTF??? I will be at around r/3 after leaving from r/2+R/6 ->fucking g33ks