update to/for life
Almost 10 days have past by since my last blog entry and it is definitely time for a update! I was kicking-ass in the last week to finish my mobile-game together with Alex (-> Check his site out here). Deadline was this Tuesday at lunch and since we spent quite a while during the last week to work on the project we were able to finish it in time thought - like always - there was a lot of stuff we wanted to implement but had no time for it. I will post a separate blog-entry about our game with some screenshots and the jar-file that you can actually play it. The graphics were not that good compared to the others but still it is quite addicting to play. But no I am coming to other things (which might be more interesting for you...)
As most of you won't know so far I have booked a flight to Dublin in November. My friend(and crazy asskicking lecture-mate too) Brice is coming with me. The booking was a really funny thing. Sometimes if I have time in the evening I read some Swedish online newspaper for the sake of improving my Swedish. One evening I checked out a Swedish newspaper at about 23.45 and instantly my attention was raised by a big Ryanair-special-offer article. I skimmed trough the article and found out that at this day Ryanair had a special offer running till 24h. So 15 minutes left. After that I immediately checked out the the ryanair-webpage to check for the real prices and found out that they fly from Malmö to Dublin or to London for only 20 Euro both ways including taxes. So no opportunity to miss! I just jumped off my chair and ran to the next door were Brice is living, knocked and fortunetly he was still awake.
F: "Wanna come to Dublin with me? Ryanair has a special offer"
B: "äääääh, when???"
F: "what about in the middle of November? "
B: "Hmm, sounds good, how much is the flight"
F: "only 20 Euro"
B: "wow, so let's do this ;)"
So after that about 7 minutes left until 0.00h
booking a flight in 7 minutes is not that easy, especially if you have to enter in all the payment details (for example credit card number - quite long and you have to double check them), addresses and whatever else. But we finally made it until 23.59. YESSS! The flight is at 16. Nov(Th.) until 21. Nov(Tue), so quite a long time for sightseeing and enjoying Guiness, Kilkenny and lot's of other good beer :D. Unfortunately Annina has no time to come with us because she has a big exam the day after we come back. I hope I won't have any important assignments to miss, but since we booked quite early in advance we should be able to prepare things in advance or do them after we are back. At this point I am just hoping for the thoughtfulness of our lecturers.
Before we booked I thought about going to London to visit Marlene and to some other sightseeing but considering the fact that I already was there a few years ago and already planned to go there in the spring or early summer maybe with "le kongelige Wg" and Annina i finally decided that it's just to early and I won't get to Dublin that fast again. Anyway I am looking forward to this, it will just be awesome!
Another good thing is that finally my personal birthday-present has arrived. It is slim and light but still has the curves at it's right place. It is very cosy inside it since it is not to tight but also not too wide. And in contrast to most other things in life it is very stable and also can withstand some storms as they might happen in life. What is it?
Look here to find out!
As I guess, most of you were already expecting, it is an awesome, cute, shiny(!!!) tent by the famous Swedish tent-maker Hilleberg. They produce nothing less but the most outstanding combination of durability, extreme light weight, quality, quality, quality and not to forget to mention: a lot of clever details. AND: only 2.4 kg including tent pegs and the rods.
Check out their webpage, surf to products/tents/nallo to find out more about those cute thing. The more experienced campers may know Hilleberg and it's outstanding reputation and may ask how I can afford such a tent. Normally it costs about 600 Euro (for a fucking tent!!!), but I got this via ebay from a german outdoor-shop who sold the last year-model for only 386 Euro. Lucky me, that Hilleberg has changed some details. You may ask -> 386 Euro for a fucking tent? omg! haha, you are right :D. But anyway, I talked to Aaron and Annina before buying it and we agreed that we will make a lot of cool outdoor stuff during the next years and we definitely need a tent that can withstand even harsh weather conditions (like in Sweden, for example...) and that is 100% reliable and light enough to carry it with us wherever we go. So we ended up buying it together which makes it affordable for each of us. And its so awesome! Thanks so much to Aaron and Annina, love you ;)
I will stop now, otherwise I have no cool other things to tell in the next days (even if there would be many other cool things to tell!) *evil laugh*
Almost 10 days have past by since my last blog entry and it is definitely time for a update! I was kicking-ass in the last week to finish my mobile-game together with Alex (-> Check his site out here). Deadline was this Tuesday at lunch and since we spent quite a while during the last week to work on the project we were able to finish it in time thought - like always - there was a lot of stuff we wanted to implement but had no time for it. I will post a separate blog-entry about our game with some screenshots and the jar-file that you can actually play it. The graphics were not that good compared to the others but still it is quite addicting to play. But no I am coming to other things (which might be more interesting for you...)
As most of you won't know so far I have booked a flight to Dublin in November. My friend(and crazy asskicking lecture-mate too) Brice is coming with me. The booking was a really funny thing. Sometimes if I have time in the evening I read some Swedish online newspaper for the sake of improving my Swedish. One evening I checked out a Swedish newspaper at about 23.45 and instantly my attention was raised by a big Ryanair-special-offer article. I skimmed trough the article and found out that at this day Ryanair had a special offer running till 24h. So 15 minutes left. After that I immediately checked out the the ryanair-webpage to check for the real prices and found out that they fly from Malmö to Dublin or to London for only 20 Euro both ways including taxes. So no opportunity to miss! I just jumped off my chair and ran to the next door were Brice is living, knocked and fortunetly he was still awake.
F: "Wanna come to Dublin with me? Ryanair has a special offer"
B: "äääääh, when???"
F: "what about in the middle of November? "
B: "Hmm, sounds good, how much is the flight"
F: "only 20 Euro"
B: "wow, so let's do this ;)"
So after that about 7 minutes left until 0.00h
booking a flight in 7 minutes is not that easy, especially if you have to enter in all the payment details (for example credit card number - quite long and you have to double check them), addresses and whatever else. But we finally made it until 23.59. YESSS! The flight is at 16. Nov(Th.) until 21. Nov(Tue), so quite a long time for sightseeing and enjoying Guiness, Kilkenny and lot's of other good beer :D. Unfortunately Annina has no time to come with us because she has a big exam the day after we come back. I hope I won't have any important assignments to miss, but since we booked quite early in advance we should be able to prepare things in advance or do them after we are back. At this point I am just hoping for the thoughtfulness of our lecturers.
Before we booked I thought about going to London to visit Marlene and to some other sightseeing but considering the fact that I already was there a few years ago and already planned to go there in the spring or early summer maybe with "le kongelige Wg" and Annina i finally decided that it's just to early and I won't get to Dublin that fast again. Anyway I am looking forward to this, it will just be awesome!
Another good thing is that finally my personal birthday-present has arrived. It is slim and light but still has the curves at it's right place. It is very cosy inside it since it is not to tight but also not too wide. And in contrast to most other things in life it is very stable and also can withstand some storms as they might happen in life. What is it?
Look here to find out!
As I guess, most of you were already expecting, it is an awesome, cute, shiny(!!!) tent by the famous Swedish tent-maker Hilleberg. They produce nothing less but the most outstanding combination of durability, extreme light weight, quality, quality, quality and not to forget to mention: a lot of clever details. AND: only 2.4 kg including tent pegs and the rods.
Check out their webpage, surf to products/tents/nallo to find out more about those cute thing. The more experienced campers may know Hilleberg and it's outstanding reputation and may ask how I can afford such a tent. Normally it costs about 600 Euro (for a fucking tent!!!), but I got this via ebay from a german outdoor-shop who sold the last year-model for only 386 Euro. Lucky me, that Hilleberg has changed some details. You may ask -> 386 Euro for a fucking tent? omg! haha, you are right :D. But anyway, I talked to Aaron and Annina before buying it and we agreed that we will make a lot of cool outdoor stuff during the next years and we definitely need a tent that can withstand even harsh weather conditions (like in Sweden, for example...) and that is 100% reliable and light enough to carry it with us wherever we go. So we ended up buying it together which makes it affordable for each of us. And its so awesome! Thanks so much to Aaron and Annina, love you ;)
I will stop now, otherwise I have no cool other things to tell in the next days (even if there would be many other cool things to tell!) *evil laugh*
That was the greatest description of a tent that I've ever read.
Hach, when I hear such beautiful lyric words, my heart is bumping as hard as the engine of a Ferrari!
Anyway, I think that this tent, is one of the best things we bought regarding our outdoor future, since we got the Camping Bus!
yes i think so too. Have you already decided where to buy the camera? Before you really buy a isolating mat, i can give you a test-article from outdoor-magazine about that.
Ahah, I like your description of our booking for Dublin. It is exactly the way it was, and that's make it even more funny!
See you later (in the kitchen ;) )
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