26 February, 2007


The Oscar nights are over. The only thing I would like to mention about it is that Forest Whitaker won an oscar for the best actor. He is a rather unknown actor that I like a lot. Therefore congratulations to him!

21 February, 2007

Person Wanted!


Does anybody know someone, that is flying to awesome Kiruna in 2 weeks. A place where real winter can be found, with currently -22 °C and 1m of snow. Those one will then borrow a NICE Volvo V50 equipped with spike-tires for a few days to cruise through the magical landscape of Kiruna to the even more beautiful national park of Abisko that is lying on the frozen Tornetrask lake. Those will then explore the amazing ice-caves that are located there, try snow-shoe tours, crosscountry skiing, snow-scooter driving (without spikes this time, yeha!) and maybe dog-sledding. Other plans of the searched person are ice-fishing on the frozen Tornetraks, northern-light watching during the night, Sauna followed by battles in the snow or a jump into the Tornetrask if the smash a hole in the ice. Further plans should be a trip to the amazing landscapes of Norway with a visit of some of the Fjords in winter-time and of course a visit to the world-known ice-hotel. If you know this cute person, please contact me as soon as possible :D

why dietary products kill you and I am still alive

... I am not an expert, that's why I forward the interested reader to a nice article. It somehow fits into many things I have heard in the last time from Annina, Aaron and others that have obviously more knowledge about food and health than me. I am a lucky bastard that just tries to do enough sport, eat normal stuff and normal amounts and this since ever and it somehow works that I don't get fat :).

Another interesting article can be seen as one part of the explanation why we have so few snow this winter. It was published on the same blog and can be found here.

16 February, 2007

don't buy cheap locks!

After Annina's bike lock caused some problems during the last month, because it was often almost impossible to open it she finally twisted the key in the lock last week.

Since we did not have the second key here and she needed her bike I decided to do my best do crack the lock. First I was everything else than sure that I can crack it but finally it was a matter of a few minutes with my normal side cutter(!). First you cut the plastic cover away and then you have the steel wire with it's many fibers. You can easily cut a few of them each time with a normal side-cutter. I war really surprised how easy it is to crack a "normal" lock. With a better equipment like a bolt cutter or something similar with a longer lever (Hebel) you can cut such a lock within seconds.

Conclusion: A lock like this does not prevent any thief, except a drunk donkey. I would really like to know how hard a better lock like mine is to crack. Or maybe I prefer not to know :/ ?

12 February, 2007

little update to life


It has been a while since my last entry, mainly because there is not so much to report right now. Annina and I are both more or less busy with studying, sport and socializing on our corridor. My courses this term are quite interesting, I have one course where I work as a coach for a programming team of second year students which is very interesting and from whom I benefit quite a lot. Another course that I take this term is called "Intellectual property right", "Urheberrecht" in German. It deals about all the fields of IPR, like patent right, trademarks, Copyright and design. Although it is a law course it is still very interesting with a very nice and motivating lecturer.
Social life is nice as well, we had an excellent Lasagna yesterday with me as chef de cuisine. Annina and Davide from Italy helped me to prepare the probably best Lasagna I ever made. The difference to all the Lasagna we made in "The kongelige WG" was mainly that we used Barilla-Pasta instead of normal one which is a lot "softer".
The life on our corridor is getting better and better, we are starting to grow together. Although it is winter and cold I would like to do some traveling soon. Lapland is only one month away, we will meet soon to discuss everything a little bit more in detail.

06 February, 2007

IT-job chances

A (for me) very interesting article from heise.de about the job-market in the IT-industry can be found here. Although the article is for Germany(and in German - sorry for that) it will be roughly the same for Austria. Seems like the future looks good to me :)

01 February, 2007

going to the gym

Since we missed it last term Annina and I started our work-out in the local fitness center three weeks ago. It is the biggest gym I have ever seen, very well equipped, very, very cheap(~15 Euro/month) since it is run by the university mainly for students and university staff. They offer tons of aerobic, yoga, boxing and spinning courses. But so far we stick to the gym, we got a nice trainings plan that let's me feel muscles I did not know that I have :D

But the funniest thing are the people training there. You find everything there from "oberkörpermenschen" to slim endurance-freaks to Arnold Schwarzenegger-style guys, athletes, vain("eitel") metro sexual guys that stand in front of the mirror for half of the time, scruffy("gammlig") looking people that don't care about their outfit, bunnies that just come to look at their boyfriends, grandmothers, professors, pregnant woman, woman with their babies and finally those who I am most afraid of: woman that are more man than I will ever be. They remember me of ancient vikings who could squash me with only one hand while lifting 200kg with the other and navigating their long ships through an ice-storm :)