the joy of hiking again
Since I was quite busy for the whole week I will summarize the last one and a half week briefly.
Last weekend we did another hiking trip - again to Söderasens national park - to enjoy the nice(sunny!) weather and get our rusty body moving. This time Brice(France) and Hermann(Soizbuag) joined us. We had a marvelous time sitting around the fire, drinking some wine and having a nice conversations with a Swedish family while improving our understanding of the Swedish society. The night was again very clear and therefore also very cold, so we where happy to have the fire(and the fire-wood being supported by the local authority - god bless the welfare state ;)). It was also the first time we could test our tent in action and I am still getting more and more enthusiastic about it - every detail is at the right place!
The thing I knew after the first night outside with such temperatures (around 5°C) was that I need a better sleeping bag since I was freezing a bit although I wore my thick fleece-pullover and my hood. The once I have right now is from my father and quite good as long as it's warm enough. The temperature range is comfort 20°C, transitional -5°C and extreme -10°C but no way to use it at such temperatures. Maybe it's because it's already a few years old and the down has lost some of it's warming capabilities, maybe it's because it has been compressed all the time, which is not good for sleeping bags, maybe it's just because it's old.
Anyway, today I bought a new sleeping bag in Malmö which has it's comfort temperature at -9°C and should therefore have some reserves left for real cold nights :). It is a "Marmot Wave 4" and was only 75 euro (special price - seasonal sale). Annina bought also a warm sleeping bag, but a special short one - 1,6m ;).
Since I am not only having party up here but studying at the university I also have exams and the first one was yesterday. It was a quite hard one, but more on that tomorrow.
As usual some photos from our trip last weekend:

hermann to the left

and finally Brice. Most photos are stolen from Brice. If you speak french than you can also check out his side (with a report written in French) here
Last weekend we did another hiking trip - again to Söderasens national park - to enjoy the nice(sunny!) weather and get our rusty body moving. This time Brice(France) and Hermann(Soizbuag) joined us. We had a marvelous time sitting around the fire, drinking some wine and having a nice conversations with a Swedish family while improving our understanding of the Swedish society. The night was again very clear and therefore also very cold, so we where happy to have the fire(and the fire-wood being supported by the local authority - god bless the welfare state ;)). It was also the first time we could test our tent in action and I am still getting more and more enthusiastic about it - every detail is at the right place!
The thing I knew after the first night outside with such temperatures (around 5°C) was that I need a better sleeping bag since I was freezing a bit although I wore my thick fleece-pullover and my hood. The once I have right now is from my father and quite good as long as it's warm enough. The temperature range is comfort 20°C, transitional -5°C and extreme -10°C but no way to use it at such temperatures. Maybe it's because it's already a few years old and the down has lost some of it's warming capabilities, maybe it's because it has been compressed all the time, which is not good for sleeping bags, maybe it's just because it's old.
Anyway, today I bought a new sleeping bag in Malmö which has it's comfort temperature at -9°C and should therefore have some reserves left for real cold nights :). It is a "Marmot Wave 4" and was only 75 euro (special price - seasonal sale). Annina bought also a warm sleeping bag, but a special short one - 1,6m ;).
Since I am not only having party up here but studying at the university I also have exams and the first one was yesterday. It was a quite hard one, but more on that tomorrow.
As usual some photos from our trip last weekend:

hi felix,
very nice pics! I'm getting jealous because writing my thesis forces me to stay inside all the time, and at home - while my family is on a holiday in Southern Tyrol! Grrrr.
LOL at the 1.6 meter sleeping bag!!! Did Annina slap you for that yet?
No she is totally happy with it :D
Smaller sleeping bag means that it's warmer because you don't have to heat up that much volume with your body. Considering this fact a small sleeping bag is perfect for her!
Good luck with your thesis!
that's true but you just had to rub it in, didn't you? ;-)
Now everyone who never met her in person but reads the blog knows she's vertically challenged... *evil grin*
PS: I am a whoppin' 4cm taller, I CAN say that...
hey annina,
it's NOT that I like you just because you are shorter than me!!!
Miss you! *sniff*
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